
Madhura Nayak

is a multi – disciplinary artist. She focuses on exploring patterns of all kinds and how they inform the way we perceive the world around us. One stream of her art practice revolves around pushing the boundaries of a conventional and very popular resist dye process called tie and dye.

Using techniques of ‘Bandhani’ from India and ’Shibori’ from Japan, she developed her own unique method she calls- ‘Bandhori’.

Pending a patent application for the same she continues to create artworks using this innovative method using her own unique tools and processes

With interest rooted deep in the textile world, she also continues to create hand woven textile works while exploring all the realms of creative textile processes. She was awarded a Masters in Fine Arts from the Lasalle College of the Arts Singapore in the year 2012.

With her works titled Migration I and Migration II, showcased in ‘The BlackFrame project’ in 2013 she takes a philosophical look at unidentified or sometimes random patterns of migration of living beings in the larger context of life cycles of us all.

In the exhibition of the DNA or Infinite saree as part of the performance based installation by the Biological Arts Theatre in Singapore in 2011 namely ’The Infinite Saree’, she created a saree based on the concept provided to her. It was based on the DNA patterns, a concept that’s common and applies to all living beings.

Her installation at the Marina Bay Arts and Science museum in 2011 titled ‘Glory 2 Glory’ dealt with another set of patterns, the ones found in nature but which are also rare. Dealing with the mesmerizing display of an exalting circular rainbow formed by perfectly formed raindrops and weather conditions, this artwork explored patterns within nature rarely found only when all conditions came together perfectly. Unlike when this can be simulated in a controlled environment, the spontaneity of this happening has an effect that leaves a lasting impression of awe towards nature.

Her approach towards her artmaking is informed by nature and its awe inspiring power over us mere mortals